Monday, January 20, 2014

Day 10

Our entrepreneurial experience was a success I would say. We were able to help a couple people that were unable to go get things they needed. As long as we helped out one person then I feel like it was worth it. I learned a lot in this class and I'm sure so did a lot of the class. They were able to come up with an idea and pursue it. We were also able to make a portfolio and do research on our own business that we could possibly start. Looking up a health complex was my idea and the research was helpful. It does look like it will cost a lot of money because of all the equipment and employees that would need to be hired, but maybe some day I will pursue that dream. Thanks to this class I am even more interested in becoming my own boss and starting my own business.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 9

We got to run our business today and it went pretty well for having to do it from 9-11 this morning. I was able to give a friend a ride to walmart for $10 because his car broke down. I also took him to sonic for breakfast. This is a good business plan that could work on a weekend, people would be willing to go to the mall or come back from the bars. This is important because you should not drink and drive.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 8

Today is class we looked up locations for our business we are writing our business profiles on. I found a couple good places on the outskirts of Boulder, Colorado. They have a big enough square footage and great locations. They have many bike trails leading to them and access to the highway. We also looked up how much it would cost to start up the business. This is a little more expensive than I thought and will need some investment help. I think this teaches us a lot about the real world and the steps that go into opening your own business along with the financing that goes along with it as well.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 7

We looked up different ways to get funded for a small business so we can use this plan or idea in our profiles for class. I went to start up Sioux City and Kickstarter. Those were great sites to go to for entrepreneurs. This will be useful if I plan to try and use my business skills to come up with a new product or idea. I will be familiar with the different sites and how they work. I am excited to look at the entrepreneur market place and possibly help out and contribute different ideas. Today we also composed our email to be sent out to employees and all BCU students. This is an important way to get in contact with the most students at the cheapest cost.

Day 6

We thought of ways to market our business last class period. We are doing a shuttle service for students without cars and also for faculty members. We decided to split up the times to create more chances for us to have clients to take. We are going to be leaving BC at 9, 9:30, 10, and 10:30. And we will charge $2 a mile. We are going to be limiting it to the market place as well. We will learn good skills in time management and for this class we will be making an impact on students and making a profit. All 5 of us are going to drive so we hopefully have more clients then as well. I feel this is a great idea and opportunity to help others and run a small business for a day and possibly into the future.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 5

We learned all about the new start up businesses going on in Sioux City from Anthony Rossi and learned about all of the business ideas he had. We also learned about ways we can get involved by going to events and networking with other entrepreneurs. We don't have to have our own ideas but maybe could get involved and help out with another persons idea. We could use this after school to get involved in to help improve Sioux City the way we want to see it changed.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 4

We got to watch a video on micro grants and I learned that hard work, persistence, and never giving up can pay off tremendously. If you enjoy doing something you will have a better time. We got to work on our entrepreneur experience (EE) and we decided to stick with our driving service called 5 Guys with Cars. I believe this is a viable business and could be a success in this class. It is a great idea and if we really worked hard it could turn a profit. We will hopefully get to send a mass email to the students and hang up signs and use twitter and word of mouth next week. I can't wait to see how it turns out.